Saturday, January 07, 2006


I bought a new tv and vcr/dvd player yesterday for mine and my brother's room so I could hook up my xbox to it since there weren't any more plug-ins on the one in the livingroom. Well, to be completely accurate, my mom bought it and I'm paying her back half since I paid for most of her new computer desk.

We had gotten the computer desk on Thursday and stayed up until 2am putting the damn thing together. It was actually kinda fun except for the staying up WAY too late part. Plus, we started so late that we'd only gotten the desk part together so we decided to wait until later on Friday to put the top part of the desk on. Y'know, you got the actual desk and then an upright attachment that has some shelves and stuff.

So anyway, it's like 9:00 before we finished with that (got started late again) and I head off to our room (mine and my brother's) to rip the box off the tv and hook up it, the dvd/vcr, and my xbox. Well, I couldn't understand how to do it. There were a couple more cords than I'm used to having so I called my mom in to help. We spent like 45 minutes in there trying to figure the darn thing out and we still couldn't get it. Finally we had my brother call our dad to see if he could come over today and hook it up.

He didn't answer the phone so my brother left a message. I wouldn't say I was in a funk the rest of the night, but I was seriously bummed.

1. I wanted so bad to play my xbox, due to the fact that I'd gotten three new games (one of which is Halo 2)


2. I was 98% sure dad wasn't gonna call anytime soon.

My mom and I ended up watching the moving Mr. & Mrs. Smith (funny movie) which lasted until about 1:30am or so. After that, I went to bed.

This morning... I was on the computer checking email and blogs and such when my brother got up.

Him: Morning
Me: Morning

He goes back in our room. And a few minutes later...

Him: You better hug me!!
Me: What?
Him: I fixed it
Me: What?
Him: Your xbox, I hooked it up
Me: WHAT?!?!?
Him: Come here

So I follow him into the room and there on the tv is the opening screen when you turn on my xbox after it's been unplugged. What the crap! He said all he did was plug the audio/video from the vcr into the back of the tv instead of the front. What the crap!! I coulda swore that my mom and I did that last night. He suggested I write about it on my blog so that's what I'm doing. And now, I'm off to play Scaler and liquify my brain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I mostly asked because I always find it necessary to have a way to reply, or give voice to my thoughts in context to the occasional random that passes by. I know a few of them don't have spaces of their own... so I am generally just going on the HOPE/WISH that they'll come back and see my reply.

I have this thing with always replying to what people say.

Anyway, I'm commenting on this blog as opposed to the one above it, because you said something in this one that sorta rings true to my living situation : ). Well, namely the part about your father. Te-he, except, in this house, it's mostly just "him", or "he". If that word is said, randomly, like "Do you know what 'HE' said to me" (mostly spoken by my mother who has to speak to him occasionaly due to custody crap over my two younger sisters), you KNOW that the conversation his about "him".


Well, there is some more view into my very not great life : ).

Curiously, how old are you? I know you said you dropped out in fourth form / year ten, but I still can't guess what age that would make you.

