Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Billboards....and other stuff

So I was looking around at some different blogs and came across one with the following link...

I looked through a good 50+ billboards and had to stop due to the fact that I was doubled over in pain from laughing so hard.

Enter at your own risk. Mwa ha ha ha ha

Friday, December 23, 2005

Stupid is as stupid does

Okay so I was up and around when my mom left for work this morning. Normally she leaves by 6:15, but this morning she was late and left about 7:30. So she called me as soon as she got out to the car to ask if I could bring out her travel mug that she forgot on the counter. No problem. Now, I'm a native Minnesotan so when I have to make a quick trip outside, I sometimes don't even bother putting something on my feet. I honestly didn't even consider putting something on my feet this time. Like when we lived in a house and I had to go out and check the mail, I'd go barefoot. Afterall, I'm not gonna get frostbite after a few seconds on the cold cement.

Sorry, back to the story. So I grab the coffee cup, wedge open the inner door of the building so I can get back in, and rapidly walk outside to her car. Next thing I know, my feet are sliding out from under me and I've landed in a heap on the sidewalk. Now, you have to give me a tiny bit of credit because the sidewalk right there is at an incline so that was counting against me.

I skinned up my knee pretty good and scraped a nice chunk out of the top of my foot (don't ask me how it was the top and not the bottom). I also scratched up my right elbow enough to make it bleed. My mom kept saying she was sorry. Granted, if I hadn't had to bring her coffee cup out to her, I wouldn't have slipped, but if I hadn't been stupid and actually had worn something on my feet, it most likely wouldn't have happened. And, if it had, it wouldn't have been as severe a fall.

So...yeah. Had a nice ten minute clean-up job to do. Antibacterial soap on open, bleeding wounds doesn't feel all that great, but hey, I'm a masochist so I didn't mind it so much. Fortunately my knee has stopped bleeding for the most part, but my foot is still going. It's very nearly soaked through the big bandaid I put on it.

Well, now that I've made everyone queasy, I'm out.
