Wednesday, July 30, 2008

*incoherent screams and laughter*

I had typed my post in, but stupid blogger disconnected and didn't save my post. *sigh*

I'll try and re-create it.

Today was rather interesting. The first thing we did was practice calling our classmates/coworkers, switching off being the merchant calling in and the CSR taking the calls. It was nervewracking to say the least. After I'd made my first call, I sat waiting for a call to come in. Terry, the instructor, ended up calling me pretending to be a cardholder (person instead of merchant) wanting to lodge a complaint with the merchant. It was funny because I had to put him on hold to ask him what to do. I knew the answer, but my mind went completely blank after saying, "Thank you for calling Merchant Services...." My hands were seriously shaking by the time I ended the call.

We were taught some other stuff and then during the last hour of class we did the phone call stuff again. It went a bit better, realizing that this is probably the only time I'll have to practice without it being a real merchant on the other end. Still, it was difficult.

Tim, one of my classmates, was being a butthead (in a slightly humorous way). He would play with the key pad during the call and ended up punching out a tune on it. He would also say stuff and break up like there was static on the line. I had to put him on hold just so I could laugh my butt off (which I've been told actually happens). Another thing...after I got back from having him on hold, he asked to be put back on hold because "the music was so nice."

*shakes head*
Our last test is this Friday and the instructors are bringing in a continental breakfast (from Panera Bread I think).

All in all it's been alright. Oh, but tomorrow, we'll be learning yet another system. *insert sarcastic "yay" here*

I keep asking myself why the hell I think I can do this. But, I just got my paycheck today and it's about a month's worth of shifts at Lowe's. I just need to keep reminding myself of that.

1 comment:

MasterQ said...

It's all about the $$$ (ka-ching). If the pay's enough, you learn to at least like what you do. ;)