since I last posted. Obviously, we had the baby shower back in September and got a lot of awesome things that we desperately needed. Bibs, more clothes, changing pad and covers, bottles, a bottle sterilizer, diaper bag, etc. The sterilizer and diaper bag were easily the most expensive thing on the list so we were thrilled to get them.
I also meant to post about our shower project that D undertook. We decided, one major thing that needed to happen in preparation for the Little Critter was to get rid of the leak from the shower, which included totally replacing the shower, the floor, and the piping that ran underneath it. It put our upstairs shower out of commission for a week and a couple days, but thankfully we had another shower in the downstairs that we could use. But anyways, that got shower, re-tiled floor, more's awesome!!
And, other than that, it was just waiting for L.C. to show up ( I was due Nov. 9th). My folks and my older sister came down on Nov. 8th. The morning of the 9th, my mom went with D and I to the doctor to see if there was any change that might signal oncoming labor, but there wasn't a whole lot to indicate that. My mom got to hear L.C.'s heartbeat, which thrilled her to no end, I believe. :-) So, the doctor said I could either wait another week or go in that night to prepare for induction the next morning. I chose the latter. I really wanted my folks to be able to see the baby and, since there was no real danger by induction, we decided to go ahead with it.
That was the longest evening/next day of my life. The evening was cool other than the nurses had trouble keeping LC on the heart monitors she was was moving around so much. That was a pain while trying to sleep and nurses coming in every half an hour to adjust monitors. Also, the first nurse majorly screwed up trying to put my IV in and gave me a baseball sized bruise on my right arm (which is only now starting to go away).
Wednesday started out just fine. They started Pitocin at around 7:30am. By 9:30 I was ready for my epidural. D was absolutely great; very supportive and I could see how much it bothered him that I was in pain, but knowing there was nothing he could do about it other than offer his hand to squeeze. I know everyone has heard horror stories about how women in labor can act almost demonic to the men that got them pregnant, but I was just glad he was there. My folks showed up at the hospital later that afternoon and I was quite glad to have my mom there. D's mom showed up later and then his dad came that evening. It was weird in that, I felt like I had to "entertain" everyone since they were there to support me (at least until LC was born and then I'd be chopped liver), but I was so tired I ended up falling asleep a few times. No one seemed to mind, though.
The worst part was when the nurses let my epidural run out. The two nurses assigned to me got called to the ER and their replacement only checked on me once. One of the machines had been kind of beeping for a while, but I hadn't a clue what it meant. When the occasional beep turned constant, my mom figured out it was the epidural bag. We called the nurse (replacement) in and she's all, "Oh, you're epidural bag is empty. Let me call the anesthesiologist." By the time he got there, I was in agony. My legs were no longer numb and I was feeling every single contraction. Sometimes, they didn't really stop, just lessened some and then would roll right into the next one. Derin had stepped out of the room before that, but came back just as the contractions got really intense. I swear, he was ready to go yell at somebody for allowing that all to happen.
So, I got my epidural refilled and, another anesthesiologist came to check on me to make sure things were getting better. And, lo and behold, he told me about the "pain button" on the epidural bag. The button I could press when I could feel my contractions stronger, which meant I needed a slight increase in the epidural dose. No one mentioned that before. That really pissed D off, I think...pissed me and my mom off, too.
But, anyway, by the time 9pm rolled around, I'd fully effaced, but was only 3 centimeters dilated. It was decided that a C-Section was the only option at that point. Things after that are still kinda blurry. They pumped me full of more anesthesia and anti-nausea meds and wheeled me into the OR. It was one of the strangest experiences of my life. Feeling them pushing and pulling, knowing they were wrist deep inside my guts... yeah. But D and Mark (the anesthesiologist) kept me well distracted. And I tell ya, when I heard that first wail, I lost it. Crying...trying not to move because I knew they were stitching me up...wanting to see my baby...overflowing with love for D and that new little person who I couldn't see except for her tiny was intense.
The hospital stay was mostly uneventful and I've talked about it to so many people that I'm really sick of thinking about it. Let me just say that nursery nurses aren't some of my favorite people and I was glad to be out of the hospital when they discharged me.
My folks stayed the rest of that first week, which was awesome. I loved having them here and it was really hard when we had to say goodbye. But, they're hoping my next November to be moved down here. We're also working towards being able to communicate by webcam between now and then to make the time away a little easier.
LC has had good check-ups at the doctor. She's surpassed her birth weight finally. We're still having a little trouble with breastfeeding, but hopefully we'll get that remedied over the next week or so.
Well, she's waking up so I guess it's ciao for now.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The garden
Our table garden is doing fairly well. The herbs, not so much except for the basil we planted. We've also used a little bit of the chives, but they still haven't grown as much as we'd like them to. The pepper plants are a fairly good size. We've got about 8-10 anaheim peppers growing, 7 or so cayenne peppers, and a few blooms on the bell peppers, but no actual peppers. The tomatoes have done pretty well. We've pulled 4 ripe ones and 4 green ones (those we used for fried green tomatoes). We've still got a ripe tomato and nerly 12 more at various stages of growth.
So...yeah...fried green tomatoes. We picked up the movie of the same name at a yard sale a couple months ago, but hadn't watched it until the other night. D hadn't ever seen it and I'm glad he liked it. It's a good story for being kind of a chick flick. Anyway, it also started him wanting to try making fried green tomatoes. So he looked up a basic recipe online and we tackled it. They turned out alright. I wasn't that crazy about 'em, but he liked them a lot. I'm sure after we tweak the recipe and add some more spices to the batter, I'll like them better. They just tasted a bit too bland to me.
Things are coming together for the baby shower here. It's still almost a month away, but that'll be gone before we know it. D's mom has gotten a few little decorations, some really cute cute plates and napkins, and a pink tablecloth. We've also figured out the invitations so I've just got to put together mailing labels and she's got to print the invites out. Most of the people we're inviting live within a five minute drive so we'll save a bit on postage just being able to drop them in their mailboxes. I'm a bit anxious about the shower. I'm not one to be center of attention (guess I should've thought about that before I went and got knocked up, huh?) The Little Critter just needs to hurry up and be born so I can stop being the center of attention and she can start.
Anyways, there'll be a few people at the shower that I don't really know, but hopefully it'll be balanced by the people I do. It'll be mostly extended family... D's sister-in-law and her daughter, D's other nieces (if their psycho mother lets them come), a few cousins-in-law, and some wives of D's friends who I've become friends with. All in all, if everyone shows up, there should be 14 people. So, not a huge get together, but not small either.
I just need to relax and not stress about things that need to get done. Don't forget to and out.
So...yeah...fried green tomatoes. We picked up the movie of the same name at a yard sale a couple months ago, but hadn't watched it until the other night. D hadn't ever seen it and I'm glad he liked it. It's a good story for being kind of a chick flick. Anyway, it also started him wanting to try making fried green tomatoes. So he looked up a basic recipe online and we tackled it. They turned out alright. I wasn't that crazy about 'em, but he liked them a lot. I'm sure after we tweak the recipe and add some more spices to the batter, I'll like them better. They just tasted a bit too bland to me.
Things are coming together for the baby shower here. It's still almost a month away, but that'll be gone before we know it. D's mom has gotten a few little decorations, some really cute cute plates and napkins, and a pink tablecloth. We've also figured out the invitations so I've just got to put together mailing labels and she's got to print the invites out. Most of the people we're inviting live within a five minute drive so we'll save a bit on postage just being able to drop them in their mailboxes. I'm a bit anxious about the shower. I'm not one to be center of attention (guess I should've thought about that before I went and got knocked up, huh?) The Little Critter just needs to hurry up and be born so I can stop being the center of attention and she can start.
Anyways, there'll be a few people at the shower that I don't really know, but hopefully it'll be balanced by the people I do. It'll be mostly extended family... D's sister-in-law and her daughter, D's other nieces (if their psycho mother lets them come), a few cousins-in-law, and some wives of D's friends who I've become friends with. All in all, if everyone shows up, there should be 14 people. So, not a huge get together, but not small either.
I just need to relax and not stress about things that need to get done. Don't forget to and out.
Sunday, August 08, 2010
I've been hiding
Well, not really hiding. I just really haven't felt like posting anything. There are some things I'm still trying to wrap my head around, but I'm sure it'll come in time.
Baby stuff is going along just fine. Just recently had an appointment to check for gestational diabetes and see how my hemoglobin checked out. Both numbers were spot on perfect. I was also surprised when they said I was on target for my weight gain. Either they lied or I haven't been stuffing my face as much as it feels like. About two weeks ago I made oatmeal cinnamon cookies with chocolate and peanut butter chips. Granted I did give a few to D's mom, but there are only two left in our fridge now. I won't list all the other goodies that have been slowly disappearing around here, but I guess it's not too much of a problem. Still, I'm doing my best to be responsible with the treats. Every one I eat now is one I have to work off after baby girl is born.
In other baby news, we've recently gotten the Chicco stroller/infant car seat travel system combo thingie. It's really, really nice. We also got a 3-in-1 car seat for as she gets older (thanks again, mom!)
The baby shower here looks like it's gonna be on the 12th of September. D's mother-in-law is kind of planning it, but I still feel anxious about it going right. We were originally doing it a week later, but I found out that one of D's cousins would be in town, but leaving the day before so we bumped it up so the cousin's wife could be here for the party. She's about the only other female in the family that I feel like I could be really close to. It sucks that they live outta state. I don't really get to spend any hang out time with her.
But, all in all, everything is calm on the baby front.
Unfortunately, it's all but guaranteed I won't be able to find a job until after the baby is born. No one wants to hire a pregnant girl who'll only be able to work for two months and then be on maternity leave for longer than she's worked. Hopefully, though, I'll be able to do some yard work with D's friend on the side after November until I'm able to find something else.
Things are also slowly but surely trickling in for the little critter. Hmmm...I think that's what I'll officially start calling her... Little Critter. Both grandparents have gotten some of the most adorable little clothes for her. Not to mention hats, stuffed animals, etc. We had a friend drop by a pink bunny that's about 3ft. tall. We've also gotten a little healthcare and grooming set. It had a comb and brush, baby nail clippers, medicine spoon and dropper, and a few other little things. It's kind of hard waiting for the baby shower and not shopping for some of the things I know we'll need, but aren't sure if it'll show up as a gift. But, my mother ingrained in me that you don't buy for yourself so close to a scheduled event where people are bringing gifts (birthday, christmas, baby shower, etc.)
Okay, must talk about something besides baby. We had a little shooting party here yesterday. D's aunt is considering getting some sort of pistol so it was mostly so she could get an idea of what's out there. D's brother was there and brought his pistols, D had his, and one of their cousins showed up with one. The aunt shot a few and then had to leave so then it was a free for all for the rest of us. It was a blast! I shot the brother's .357 revolver again, but this time it had actual .357 rounds in it instead of .38 calibers. Definitely more of a kick and oh did it feel good. I also shot the cousin's 9mm and it's a very smooth shooting gun without hardly any kick to it. I also shot two .45s and a .40. One of the .45s had a laser sight on it, which was pretty cool. It was hard for me to use it since I was wearing latex gloves (gotta keep from getting all that gun oil and powder absorbption into the skin) and they kept getting in the way of the laser. Still, it was an alright gun. I'd rather have either a .40 or a 9mm, though...oh and a .357 just for kicks. :-)
One day maybe.
Baby stuff is going along just fine. Just recently had an appointment to check for gestational diabetes and see how my hemoglobin checked out. Both numbers were spot on perfect. I was also surprised when they said I was on target for my weight gain. Either they lied or I haven't been stuffing my face as much as it feels like. About two weeks ago I made oatmeal cinnamon cookies with chocolate and peanut butter chips. Granted I did give a few to D's mom, but there are only two left in our fridge now. I won't list all the other goodies that have been slowly disappearing around here, but I guess it's not too much of a problem. Still, I'm doing my best to be responsible with the treats. Every one I eat now is one I have to work off after baby girl is born.
In other baby news, we've recently gotten the Chicco stroller/infant car seat travel system combo thingie. It's really, really nice. We also got a 3-in-1 car seat for as she gets older (thanks again, mom!)
The baby shower here looks like it's gonna be on the 12th of September. D's mother-in-law is kind of planning it, but I still feel anxious about it going right. We were originally doing it a week later, but I found out that one of D's cousins would be in town, but leaving the day before so we bumped it up so the cousin's wife could be here for the party. She's about the only other female in the family that I feel like I could be really close to. It sucks that they live outta state. I don't really get to spend any hang out time with her.
But, all in all, everything is calm on the baby front.
Unfortunately, it's all but guaranteed I won't be able to find a job until after the baby is born. No one wants to hire a pregnant girl who'll only be able to work for two months and then be on maternity leave for longer than she's worked. Hopefully, though, I'll be able to do some yard work with D's friend on the side after November until I'm able to find something else.
Things are also slowly but surely trickling in for the little critter. Hmmm...I think that's what I'll officially start calling her... Little Critter. Both grandparents have gotten some of the most adorable little clothes for her. Not to mention hats, stuffed animals, etc. We had a friend drop by a pink bunny that's about 3ft. tall. We've also gotten a little healthcare and grooming set. It had a comb and brush, baby nail clippers, medicine spoon and dropper, and a few other little things. It's kind of hard waiting for the baby shower and not shopping for some of the things I know we'll need, but aren't sure if it'll show up as a gift. But, my mother ingrained in me that you don't buy for yourself so close to a scheduled event where people are bringing gifts (birthday, christmas, baby shower, etc.)
Okay, must talk about something besides baby. We had a little shooting party here yesterday. D's aunt is considering getting some sort of pistol so it was mostly so she could get an idea of what's out there. D's brother was there and brought his pistols, D had his, and one of their cousins showed up with one. The aunt shot a few and then had to leave so then it was a free for all for the rest of us. It was a blast! I shot the brother's .357 revolver again, but this time it had actual .357 rounds in it instead of .38 calibers. Definitely more of a kick and oh did it feel good. I also shot the cousin's 9mm and it's a very smooth shooting gun without hardly any kick to it. I also shot two .45s and a .40. One of the .45s had a laser sight on it, which was pretty cool. It was hard for me to use it since I was wearing latex gloves (gotta keep from getting all that gun oil and powder absorbption into the skin) and they kept getting in the way of the laser. Still, it was an alright gun. I'd rather have either a .40 or a 9mm, though...oh and a .357 just for kicks. :-)
One day maybe.
Monday, June 21, 2010
A funny
My hunny has been gone most of the day and I'm starting to feel very blah. I miss him! But, this joke made me chuckle so I figured I'd pass it on.
There was a family of three moles. They lived outside a human home. The family in the house was making breakfast. The father mole stuck his head outside of the hole and said, “I smell bacon and eggs.”The mother stuck her head out of the hole and said, “I smell sausage and french toast.”The baby mole, not able to get his head through, said “I smell molasses.”
There was a family of three moles. They lived outside a human home. The family in the house was making breakfast. The father mole stuck his head outside of the hole and said, “I smell bacon and eggs.”The mother stuck her head out of the hole and said, “I smell sausage and french toast.”The baby mole, not able to get his head through, said “I smell molasses.”
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Baby news
Not too much to report on the baby front. I had my second doctors appointment last Tuesday and all is still well. My blood pressure was more normal than last time. I'm always a tad on the high side, but I think that first appointment I was just really nervous. Anyway, they also said I'm slightly anemic (low in iron I think), but it wasn't so low that they felt I need to take additional iron. My mom got quite anemic with both me and my sister to where they put her on iron supplements so I need to remember to mention that to the doctor next time.
We still don't know if it's a boy or girl. However, we do have another ultrasound scheduled for June 7th and, as long as the baby cooperates, we should be finding out what it is then.
But, baby's heartbeat is strong and healthy and I think I felt it move last week and again a couple days ago. It was so weird. It felt like a bunch of little bubbles moving in a wave across my lower belly.
Oh, D and I went and did a little baby shopping yesterday. We got a bassinet that had Snoopy coverings and a light blue mattress cover. It is oh so incredibly cute! We got it at a second hand store and the lady hadn't had a chance to clean it up, but we took it anyway because she was gonna up the price after she'd cleaned it. Once we get it cleaned I'll try and remember to post a picture of it. We also got a camouflage onsie, two pair of green camo shorts, one pair of gray camo shorts, a package of baby washcloths, and a winnie the pooh baby hat. Too cute for words. Obviously, boy or girl, it's going to be a camo wearing baby.
We also price shopped for strollers, car seats, and play pens at Walmart. Wow...amazing the kind of money you can tie up in those things. I think we're definitely gonna be hitting some garage sales and looking on craigslist for some things.
Well, that's all for now. Crossing my fingers that the little critter is cooperative on the next appointment and we can find out what it is. I'm definitely leaning more towards wanting a boy...I think D is, too.
We still don't know if it's a boy or girl. However, we do have another ultrasound scheduled for June 7th and, as long as the baby cooperates, we should be finding out what it is then.
But, baby's heartbeat is strong and healthy and I think I felt it move last week and again a couple days ago. It was so weird. It felt like a bunch of little bubbles moving in a wave across my lower belly.
Oh, D and I went and did a little baby shopping yesterday. We got a bassinet that had Snoopy coverings and a light blue mattress cover. It is oh so incredibly cute! We got it at a second hand store and the lady hadn't had a chance to clean it up, but we took it anyway because she was gonna up the price after she'd cleaned it. Once we get it cleaned I'll try and remember to post a picture of it. We also got a camouflage onsie, two pair of green camo shorts, one pair of gray camo shorts, a package of baby washcloths, and a winnie the pooh baby hat. Too cute for words. Obviously, boy or girl, it's going to be a camo wearing baby.
We also price shopped for strollers, car seats, and play pens at Walmart. Wow...amazing the kind of money you can tie up in those things. I think we're definitely gonna be hitting some garage sales and looking on craigslist for some things.
Well, that's all for now. Crossing my fingers that the little critter is cooperative on the next appointment and we can find out what it is. I'm definitely leaning more towards wanting a boy...I think D is, too.
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Baby gift
D and I got our first baby gift yesterday from his mom. She had me tell D that she'd just found it in the mailbox, but he wasn't fooled.

It's so adorable. She kept telling me yesterday how excited she is that there's gonna be a baby around again. :-)
It's so adorable. She kept telling me yesterday how excited she is that there's gonna be a baby around again. :-)
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Book giveaway
There's an awesome book giveaway going on over at There's another post with a review of the book Morpheus Road: The Light by D.J. McHale and then the most recent post is a Q&A with the author.
The books being given away look like an awesome read.
The books being given away look like an awesome read.
Whoa nelly!
So, I'm not sure if anyone reads this blog besides my dad and possibly sister who already know, but just in case you do and we're not also facebook friends...I'm gonna be a mommy!
I found out for sure April 29th that, yes, I am indeed cooking a bun in more than just a bread maker. The due date is November 10th and I've got my first prenatal appointment next week Tuesday (the 11th).
Obviously we don't know what gender it is, but we're gonna find out as soon as possible. I like surprises, but not necessarily ones that I have to wait six more months for. Besides, it'll make the clothes buying and name picking a lot easier.
There's still a great big "WOW" factor bouncing around in my brain. Sometimes I just take a pause and think, "Holy crap, I'm gonna be a mom!" But then there's the part that's all, "OMG!!! Sqeeeeee! I'm gonna be a mommy!!!!!"
So, other than that, it's life as normal. Been calling Subway off and on to check on whether they've gotten an opening. Nothing there yet, but I'm the first on their 'to call' list. The manager there also mentioned another Subway near his place that might still be hiring after a massive lay-off so I'm gonna check them out and hopefully something will come of that. Also gonna re-apply at Lowe's...again (for the 5th time). Coming up on being able to re-apply at Walmart, Walgreens, Kroger, Food City, and CVS. *crossing fingers*
D's work has picked up a little, but still not near what it used to be before Obama succeeded in fully flushing our economy down the crapper. He's done a little side work with his friend Tim who is probably going to be taking over contracts for KUB so that might turn into more of a full time thing for him.
That's about it for now. Obviously there will be regular updates on the pregnancy since there's only so much that can be put in a quick facebook update.
I found out for sure April 29th that, yes, I am indeed cooking a bun in more than just a bread maker. The due date is November 10th and I've got my first prenatal appointment next week Tuesday (the 11th).
Obviously we don't know what gender it is, but we're gonna find out as soon as possible. I like surprises, but not necessarily ones that I have to wait six more months for. Besides, it'll make the clothes buying and name picking a lot easier.
There's still a great big "WOW" factor bouncing around in my brain. Sometimes I just take a pause and think, "Holy crap, I'm gonna be a mom!" But then there's the part that's all, "OMG!!! Sqeeeeee! I'm gonna be a mommy!!!!!"
So, other than that, it's life as normal. Been calling Subway off and on to check on whether they've gotten an opening. Nothing there yet, but I'm the first on their 'to call' list. The manager there also mentioned another Subway near his place that might still be hiring after a massive lay-off so I'm gonna check them out and hopefully something will come of that. Also gonna re-apply at Lowe's...again (for the 5th time). Coming up on being able to re-apply at Walmart, Walgreens, Kroger, Food City, and CVS. *crossing fingers*
D's work has picked up a little, but still not near what it used to be before Obama succeeded in fully flushing our economy down the crapper. He's done a little side work with his friend Tim who is probably going to be taking over contracts for KUB so that might turn into more of a full time thing for him.
That's about it for now. Obviously there will be regular updates on the pregnancy since there's only so much that can be put in a quick facebook update.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Mini garden
Our mini garden is starting to grow!! On the 11th, D and I planted Anaheim Peppers, Cayenne Peppers, Bell Peppers, Dill, Cilantro, Oregano, Parsley, Basil, and Chives. We put 'em in pots up on the deck so as to keep most of the animals away. We also got two tomato plants that went in big pots a few days before the herbs and stuff.
Anyway, a few days ago we noticed the basil seedling sprouting up and then a couple days after we noticed the dill was sprouting up. Yay!! The others should start in the next week or so, but it'll probably be at least another month or more before we start seeing the pepper plants.
In other news, I have a job interview at Subway this Friday morning. I'm hoping it'll work out positively. The guy I talked to mentioned he was really short handed, needing to let some people go, and that he was impressed by my application so... *fingers crossed* Plus, I LOVE Subway sandwiches!
Oh, D and I also are talking about the possibility of going camping this weekend. We really want to, but it'll also be the first time without the puppy, which will be really hard. Interestingly enough, I had a sad/happy dream about her last night. Before going to bed, I had an instant thought of saying goodnight to her and then remembered that she wasn't here so that probably contributed.
The dream was odd. D and I were doing something outside and D's dad and some of his friends were doing their own thing (can't remember what). Out of nowhere the puppy comes around the building and, even though we could pet her and touch her, it's like D and I knew it was her ghost or something and she wasn't really there. I don't think D's dad could see her. Pup started barking at some of the other people that were around and D automatically asked me to put her on her lead...but I couldn't because she was a ghost. So, the sad part was that she wasn't really real, but the good part was that she did seem really happy and we both got to pet and hug on her.'ll be hard going camping without her, but a part of me is still looking forward to going.
And that's the end of this somewhat long-winded post.
Anyway, a few days ago we noticed the basil seedling sprouting up and then a couple days after we noticed the dill was sprouting up. Yay!! The others should start in the next week or so, but it'll probably be at least another month or more before we start seeing the pepper plants.
In other news, I have a job interview at Subway this Friday morning. I'm hoping it'll work out positively. The guy I talked to mentioned he was really short handed, needing to let some people go, and that he was impressed by my application so... *fingers crossed* Plus, I LOVE Subway sandwiches!
Oh, D and I also are talking about the possibility of going camping this weekend. We really want to, but it'll also be the first time without the puppy, which will be really hard. Interestingly enough, I had a sad/happy dream about her last night. Before going to bed, I had an instant thought of saying goodnight to her and then remembered that she wasn't here so that probably contributed.
The dream was odd. D and I were doing something outside and D's dad and some of his friends were doing their own thing (can't remember what). Out of nowhere the puppy comes around the building and, even though we could pet her and touch her, it's like D and I knew it was her ghost or something and she wasn't really there. I don't think D's dad could see her. Pup started barking at some of the other people that were around and D automatically asked me to put her on her lead...but I couldn't because she was a ghost. So, the sad part was that she wasn't really real, but the good part was that she did seem really happy and we both got to pet and hug on her.'ll be hard going camping without her, but a part of me is still looking forward to going.
And that's the end of this somewhat long-winded post.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Various things
I woke up at 3am Tuesday morning and could barely get out of the bed my back was hurting so bad. I got my ice pack and sat in my chair for a bit, but started hurting worse so I layed back down in the bed. It helped for a bit, but by 7am I was hurting just as bad again. The pain was mainly in my lower back, but it hurt so much that it felt like it was in my left side, too so I was worried it might be kidney stones. At 9:30 or so D and I decided that we should probably go to the emergency room since I couldn't hardly move without bawling my eyes out.
They gave me a shot of pain killer and muscle relaxer at the ER, but couldn't find anything really wrong so they gave me a prescription for a pain killer and muscle relaxer and sent me home. I felt a little better later that day and Wednesday, but yesterday was back to hurting pretty badly. I think it was just cuz I made the mistake of going halvsies on the pain killer instead of taking the whole thing.
I woke up today at 7am and took another dose of the meds and was actually able to fall back asleep for an hour or so. While I still hurt, the pain is now centered around my tailbone instead of all over. The last time I was at the chiropractor, we looked at my x-rays and it showed that my tailbone as a serious curve to it. I know it's supposed to have somewhat of a curve, but mine is pretty outta whack and it flairs up now and again (which is why I have a butt donut to sit on in my computer chair. So, hopefully things will start working themselves out over the next couple of days.
In other news, I made a kickass peach crisp last night. D's mom had given me a can of peach pie filling sometime last week and rather than eat it straight out of the can (and gain 20 lbs.) I started looking at recipes I could use it for. D went to the store Wednesday and got the stuff we were missing and I ended up combining a couple recipes. It was basically the can of peach pie filling and a can of peaches for the base and then the topping was flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, a pinch of salt, oatmeal, and butter. We didn't have any ice cream or cool whip so we brought it into the house and shared it with D's parents in exchange for the use of their ice cream and cool whip. I was worried it wouldn't turn out well since it's the first time I've ever made it, but everyone had two helpings of it. :-D Everyone was in agreement that with the amount of crumb topping that it could've used another can of peaches, but it was still uber delish. D's mom even took some to give to his Aunt...and she wants the recipe so she can make it and take to her church. I think she also mentioned something about me making it for the Easter family get together. Yay!
Oooh...I've also gotten a lead on a potential job. D's friend found out that the place his brother works at is hiring. From what I understand it's kind of an assembly line type of position at a place that makes eyeglasses. It's third shift and it'd be around 11 hour days, but it's only Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and it pays $10-$12 an hour plus full insurance. It also doesn't require any kind of customer interaction so I think I'd be perfect for it. I've got the phone number and am planning on calling them today and hopefully setting up either an interview or at least filling out an application on Monday (another reason why I need my back to get better).
So...yeah. I think that's pretty much all that's going on here right now. D's got a couple projects in limbo right now. It's just been so rainy that we haven't been able to get to any of them.
Anyway, that's all for now.
They gave me a shot of pain killer and muscle relaxer at the ER, but couldn't find anything really wrong so they gave me a prescription for a pain killer and muscle relaxer and sent me home. I felt a little better later that day and Wednesday, but yesterday was back to hurting pretty badly. I think it was just cuz I made the mistake of going halvsies on the pain killer instead of taking the whole thing.
I woke up today at 7am and took another dose of the meds and was actually able to fall back asleep for an hour or so. While I still hurt, the pain is now centered around my tailbone instead of all over. The last time I was at the chiropractor, we looked at my x-rays and it showed that my tailbone as a serious curve to it. I know it's supposed to have somewhat of a curve, but mine is pretty outta whack and it flairs up now and again (which is why I have a butt donut to sit on in my computer chair. So, hopefully things will start working themselves out over the next couple of days.
In other news, I made a kickass peach crisp last night. D's mom had given me a can of peach pie filling sometime last week and rather than eat it straight out of the can (and gain 20 lbs.) I started looking at recipes I could use it for. D went to the store Wednesday and got the stuff we were missing and I ended up combining a couple recipes. It was basically the can of peach pie filling and a can of peaches for the base and then the topping was flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, a pinch of salt, oatmeal, and butter. We didn't have any ice cream or cool whip so we brought it into the house and shared it with D's parents in exchange for the use of their ice cream and cool whip. I was worried it wouldn't turn out well since it's the first time I've ever made it, but everyone had two helpings of it. :-D Everyone was in agreement that with the amount of crumb topping that it could've used another can of peaches, but it was still uber delish. D's mom even took some to give to his Aunt...and she wants the recipe so she can make it and take to her church. I think she also mentioned something about me making it for the Easter family get together. Yay!
Oooh...I've also gotten a lead on a potential job. D's friend found out that the place his brother works at is hiring. From what I understand it's kind of an assembly line type of position at a place that makes eyeglasses. It's third shift and it'd be around 11 hour days, but it's only Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and it pays $10-$12 an hour plus full insurance. It also doesn't require any kind of customer interaction so I think I'd be perfect for it. I've got the phone number and am planning on calling them today and hopefully setting up either an interview or at least filling out an application on Monday (another reason why I need my back to get better).
So...yeah. I think that's pretty much all that's going on here right now. D's got a couple projects in limbo right now. It's just been so rainy that we haven't been able to get to any of them.
Anyway, that's all for now.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Can't think of a title
I would've posted this sooner, but I could barely lift my hands to the keyboard yesterday from being so sore. Let me explain.....
So last Friday D went out with his friend Tim to do some yardwork type stuffs. I was supposed to go help, but I woke up with a migraine so bad it left me bedridden for a few hours with a hot pack over my eyes and forehead. It finally went away around 1:30pm or so, but my head was tender most of the day. It hurt like you wouldn't believe, but it's been over a year since I've had one that bad so I'm at least thankful for that.
Saturday, D headed out again with Tim around 9am and then Tim's wife, kids, and I joined them after lunch and we knocked out four really bad yards. I definitely got my workout. Lots of raking, using a 25-30 lb. tamper (which feels closer to 50 lbs. after a while...and then 100 lbs.), some spreading of mulch (50 lb. bag), spreading grass seed, fertilizer, and hay. Thankfully, having four and a half people helping (the two kids count as a half lol ), we got those four jobs done in about three and a half hours.
Afterwards, since we were pretty much out of topsoil and Tim needed to gas up his truck, we stopped at the gas station and he got everyone an Icee. I wasn't gonna get one, but Tim's wife told me he can write it off as a business expense so I got a Mt. Dew Icee. Oh boy did I need it. I think if I didn't have that quick sugar/caffeine boost, I probably would've nodded off on the 15 min. ride back to the house. It was also a good thing we weren't going to do any more jobs because on the way back to the house Tim and D heard a loud clunk and saw the temp. gauge hit red almost instantly. Getting back to the house, he lifted the hood and a big plume of smoke came out. They found out that the bracket for the alternater had broken and the alternator was laying against the radiator.
But, all in all, it was a good day. I heard Tim was quite pleased with the work I did. And, even though D and I were both quite sore, it was a good kind of sore. Still, there was much icy hot and aleve taken later that night. hehe
Sunday morning I woke up and, while my arms didn't hurt too much as I had stretched them out when we got home the previous evening, my thighs, hips, lower back, shoulders, and neck were quite achy. The ice pack fixed my back, icy hot helped the neck and shoulders, and limping around a little like I was 90 years old loosened everything else. I'm pretty much good as new. I was actually looking forward to possibly working with Tim again today, but it rained last night so everything is too wet. Also, unless he can borrow someone else's truck, we won't be doing anything until his own truck is fixed.
So, that was my weekend. Oh, and it's been pretty much in the low to mid 60s for the past few days and I think it hit close to 67 on Saturday. Yes, I went out in capris, short sleeves, and flip flops. I think spring is finally here.
So last Friday D went out with his friend Tim to do some yardwork type stuffs. I was supposed to go help, but I woke up with a migraine so bad it left me bedridden for a few hours with a hot pack over my eyes and forehead. It finally went away around 1:30pm or so, but my head was tender most of the day. It hurt like you wouldn't believe, but it's been over a year since I've had one that bad so I'm at least thankful for that.
Saturday, D headed out again with Tim around 9am and then Tim's wife, kids, and I joined them after lunch and we knocked out four really bad yards. I definitely got my workout. Lots of raking, using a 25-30 lb. tamper (which feels closer to 50 lbs. after a while...and then 100 lbs.), some spreading of mulch (50 lb. bag), spreading grass seed, fertilizer, and hay. Thankfully, having four and a half people helping (the two kids count as a half lol ), we got those four jobs done in about three and a half hours.
Afterwards, since we were pretty much out of topsoil and Tim needed to gas up his truck, we stopped at the gas station and he got everyone an Icee. I wasn't gonna get one, but Tim's wife told me he can write it off as a business expense so I got a Mt. Dew Icee. Oh boy did I need it. I think if I didn't have that quick sugar/caffeine boost, I probably would've nodded off on the 15 min. ride back to the house. It was also a good thing we weren't going to do any more jobs because on the way back to the house Tim and D heard a loud clunk and saw the temp. gauge hit red almost instantly. Getting back to the house, he lifted the hood and a big plume of smoke came out. They found out that the bracket for the alternater had broken and the alternator was laying against the radiator.
But, all in all, it was a good day. I heard Tim was quite pleased with the work I did. And, even though D and I were both quite sore, it was a good kind of sore. Still, there was much icy hot and aleve taken later that night. hehe
Sunday morning I woke up and, while my arms didn't hurt too much as I had stretched them out when we got home the previous evening, my thighs, hips, lower back, shoulders, and neck were quite achy. The ice pack fixed my back, icy hot helped the neck and shoulders, and limping around a little like I was 90 years old loosened everything else. I'm pretty much good as new. I was actually looking forward to possibly working with Tim again today, but it rained last night so everything is too wet. Also, unless he can borrow someone else's truck, we won't be doing anything until his own truck is fixed.
So, that was my weekend. Oh, and it's been pretty much in the low to mid 60s for the past few days and I think it hit close to 67 on Saturday. Yes, I went out in capris, short sleeves, and flip flops. I think spring is finally here.
Monday, March 08, 2010
This was fun
This had me in fits of giggles and surprise lol, if you want to do it feel free to pinch it
Put your music player on shuffle. For each question, press the next button to get your answer. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME DOWN NO MATTER HOW SILLY IT SOUNDS
If you want to do it feel free …
IF SOMEONE SAYS “IS THIS OKAY” YOU SAY? Say My Name (Destiny’s Child hehe makes me think of American Pie)
WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL? Nothing Else Matters ( lol Metallica)
WHAT IS YOUR LIFE’S PURPOSE? Welcome Home a.k.a. Sanitarium
WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO? Down South Jukin’ ( hehe accurate? Me thinks so)
WHAT IS 2 + 2? You May Be Right (math never was my strong suit)
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND? My Best Friend – Tim McGraw (how ironical)
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE PERSON YOU LIKE? Callin’ Baton Rouge (pure weirdness there)
WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY? House Of The Rising Sun
WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? Don’t Worry, Be Happy (Bob Marley knows me too well)
WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU? Angel Of Mine (awwww sweet J )
WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING? Zombie (Um…well…we both love the Cranberries, but that’d be a little bit weird)
WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL? Ain’t No Rest For The Wicked (hehe)
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS? Sarah Yellin’ (lol only know one Sarah and she definitely does NOT yell)
WHAT’S THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN? If You Can’t Live Without Me, Why Aren’t You Dead?
WHAT MAKES YOU CRY? Buttons (mean, evil buttons!!)
WILL YOU EVER GET MARRIED? Enter Sandman (huh?)
Put your music player on shuffle. For each question, press the next button to get your answer. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME DOWN NO MATTER HOW SILLY IT SOUNDS
If you want to do it feel free …
IF SOMEONE SAYS “IS THIS OKAY” YOU SAY? Say My Name (Destiny’s Child hehe makes me think of American Pie)
WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL? Nothing Else Matters ( lol Metallica)
WHAT IS YOUR LIFE’S PURPOSE? Welcome Home a.k.a. Sanitarium
WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO? Down South Jukin’ ( hehe accurate? Me thinks so)
WHAT IS 2 + 2? You May Be Right (math never was my strong suit)
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND? My Best Friend – Tim McGraw (how ironical)
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE PERSON YOU LIKE? Callin’ Baton Rouge (pure weirdness there)
WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY? House Of The Rising Sun
WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? Don’t Worry, Be Happy (Bob Marley knows me too well)
WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU? Angel Of Mine (awwww sweet J )
WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING? Zombie (Um…well…we both love the Cranberries, but that’d be a little bit weird)
WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL? Ain’t No Rest For The Wicked (hehe)
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS? Sarah Yellin’ (lol only know one Sarah and she definitely does NOT yell)
WHAT’S THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN? If You Can’t Live Without Me, Why Aren’t You Dead?
WHAT MAKES YOU CRY? Buttons (mean, evil buttons!!)
WILL YOU EVER GET MARRIED? Enter Sandman (huh?)
Work of sorts
Went out working a little on Saturday with D and his friend Tim. Tim, in addition to driving big rig UPS trucks, also does yard repair work. He's contracted out by Knox Chapman which is a utility company so when they go out to peoples' houses to repair/inspect the utilities in the yard (water lines and the like), Tim goes out to repair the yard where they had to rip up the ground.
Saturday, D left with Tim and Tim's dad at around noon and they worked for a few hours, but Tim's dad needed to get back so I got called in around 3:30. We did three more yards after I showed up and I made a total of $20 for two hours of work.
Basically what happens is we smooth out the dirt around where the ground was dug up, lay down top soil and smooth it out, then sprinkle fertilizer, grass seed, and hay over all that. It's definitely physical work, but the muscle soreness felt good after we were done. And let's face it, $10 an hour is more than I'm making not doing anything.
D's already left to go help out again and I may or may not get called in again since Tim's dad doesn't need to be home at a certain time today. Also, Tim has to drive for UPS tonight and he'll probably need to sleep before going in so, if I do get a call it'll probably still only be a couple hours again. Still, I'll get to hang out with D and Tim (he's a really cool guy), get some exercise, and make a little cashola.
Saturday, D left with Tim and Tim's dad at around noon and they worked for a few hours, but Tim's dad needed to get back so I got called in around 3:30. We did three more yards after I showed up and I made a total of $20 for two hours of work.
Basically what happens is we smooth out the dirt around where the ground was dug up, lay down top soil and smooth it out, then sprinkle fertilizer, grass seed, and hay over all that. It's definitely physical work, but the muscle soreness felt good after we were done. And let's face it, $10 an hour is more than I'm making not doing anything.
D's already left to go help out again and I may or may not get called in again since Tim's dad doesn't need to be home at a certain time today. Also, Tim has to drive for UPS tonight and he'll probably need to sleep before going in so, if I do get a call it'll probably still only be a couple hours again. Still, I'll get to hang out with D and Tim (he's a really cool guy), get some exercise, and make a little cashola.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Generally Useless But Fascinating Information About Me
What are the last three songs you downloaded? Letters From The Sky – Civil Twilight, Scatman’s World – John Scatman, Zombie – The Cranberries
What are the last three places you visited? K.U.B. (Knoxville Utilities Board), The in-law’s house, The kitchen
What are your three favorite movies? At this very moment Pulp Fiction, Boondock Saints, and Marked For Death
What are your three favorite possessions? My Celtic eternity necklace, my diogital camera (without it I wouldn’t have been able to have so many pictures of the puppy), and the new work boots D got me for Christmas.
What three things can you not live without? D (obviously), good books, and my creative outlets.
What would be your three wishes? Having the puppy back, a big house (free and clear), to live happily ever after forever and ever with D.
What three things haven’t you done yet? Travel to different countries, swim in the ocean, and go hunting
What are your three favorite dishes? Anything Mexican that D and I make, Philly cheese steak sandwiches, and Papa John’s pizza
Which three celebrities would you most like to hang out with? Harrison Ford, Eddie Izzard, and Kiefer Sutherland
Name three things that freak you out? Spiders, moths, and crickets
Name three unusual things you are good at. I’m pretty much a self-taught cook (mom taught me to follow a recipe, but I’ve learned how to improvise over the last couple years), I’m a pretty dead-eye pistol shooter, even when I don’t really ‘mean’ to, I have happy accidents when it comes to photography that turn out really well.
Which three things are you coveting? My own carry permit, a Mac laptop with wireless capability (and all the design programs if I had the choice), and the Hyatt family fortune.
Name three bloggers you are tagging. I have a long list and I wanna share so help yourselves I ain’t fussy.
What are the last three places you visited? K.U.B. (Knoxville Utilities Board), The in-law’s house, The kitchen
What are your three favorite movies? At this very moment Pulp Fiction, Boondock Saints, and Marked For Death
What are your three favorite possessions? My Celtic eternity necklace, my diogital camera (without it I wouldn’t have been able to have so many pictures of the puppy), and the new work boots D got me for Christmas.
What three things can you not live without? D (obviously), good books, and my creative outlets.
What would be your three wishes? Having the puppy back, a big house (free and clear), to live happily ever after forever and ever with D.
What three things haven’t you done yet? Travel to different countries, swim in the ocean, and go hunting
What are your three favorite dishes? Anything Mexican that D and I make, Philly cheese steak sandwiches, and Papa John’s pizza
Which three celebrities would you most like to hang out with? Harrison Ford, Eddie Izzard, and Kiefer Sutherland
Name three things that freak you out? Spiders, moths, and crickets
Name three unusual things you are good at. I’m pretty much a self-taught cook (mom taught me to follow a recipe, but I’ve learned how to improvise over the last couple years), I’m a pretty dead-eye pistol shooter, even when I don’t really ‘mean’ to, I have happy accidents when it comes to photography that turn out really well.
Which three things are you coveting? My own carry permit, a Mac laptop with wireless capability (and all the design programs if I had the choice), and the Hyatt family fortune.
Name three bloggers you are tagging. I have a long list and I wanna share so help yourselves I ain’t fussy.
Because I'm Bored
One Word Meme
1. Where is your cell phone? Desk
2. Your significant other? Working
3. Your hair? Soft
4. Your mother? Missed
5. Your father? Ditto
6. Your favorite time of day? Evening
7. Your dream last night? Yummy
8. Your favorite drink? Grape
9. Your dream goal? Freedom
10. The room you’re in? Bedroom
11. Your ex? None
12. Your fear? Loneliness
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? House
14. What you are not? Brave
15. Your Favorite meal? Mexican
16. One of your wish list items? Books
17. The last thing you did? Dishes
18. Where you grew up? MN
19. What are you wearing? Jeans&Tee
20. Your TV is? Off
21. Your pet? Sleeping
22. Your computer? Old
23. Your life? Unassuming
24. Your mood? Anxious
25. Missing someone? Uhuh
26. Your car? Dead
27. Something you’re not wearing? Socks
28. Favorite store? Sam’s
29. Your summer? Hot
30. Your favorite color? Green
31. When is the last time you laughed? Today
32. When is the last time you cried? Yesterday
33. Your health? Meh
34. Your children? Non-existent
35. Your future? Hopeful
36. Your beliefs? Unique
37. Young or old? Unfussy
38. Your image? Me
39. Your appearance? Comfortable
40. Would you live your life over again knowing what you know? Nope
41. Song for right now? Aenima - Tool
1. Where is your cell phone? Desk
2. Your significant other? Working
3. Your hair? Soft
4. Your mother? Missed
5. Your father? Ditto
6. Your favorite time of day? Evening
7. Your dream last night? Yummy
8. Your favorite drink? Grape
9. Your dream goal? Freedom
10. The room you’re in? Bedroom
11. Your ex? None
12. Your fear? Loneliness
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? House
14. What you are not? Brave
15. Your Favorite meal? Mexican
16. One of your wish list items? Books
17. The last thing you did? Dishes
18. Where you grew up? MN
19. What are you wearing? Jeans&Tee
20. Your TV is? Off
21. Your pet? Sleeping
22. Your computer? Old
23. Your life? Unassuming
24. Your mood? Anxious
25. Missing someone? Uhuh
26. Your car? Dead
27. Something you’re not wearing? Socks
28. Favorite store? Sam’s
29. Your summer? Hot
30. Your favorite color? Green
31. When is the last time you laughed? Today
32. When is the last time you cried? Yesterday
33. Your health? Meh
34. Your children? Non-existent
35. Your future? Hopeful
36. Your beliefs? Unique
37. Young or old? Unfussy
38. Your image? Me
39. Your appearance? Comfortable
40. Would you live your life over again knowing what you know? Nope
41. Song for right now? Aenima - Tool
Friday, February 26, 2010
Chinese food
D and I made some awesome chinese food last night. He made a szechuan chicken dish and I made more of a garlicy/white sauce chicken dish. The base ingredients for both was sauteed onions, green peppers, carrots, and chicken. I'm not sure all of what he added to his, but I do know there was red pepper flakes, cayenne pepper, chinese hot sauce, soy sauce, and oyster sauce.
For mine, you get a little more info. since...well...I made it. hehe
I sauteed up some thinly sliced onion, green pepper, and short carrot sticks with a little olive oil, soy sauce, oyster sauce, around two heaping tablespoons of minced garlic, and half a packet of beef and broccoli seasoning. I had to add close to a half cup of water (slowly) to thin things out a bit and just let it cook at med.-high heat for five minutes or so, then added the chicken, the other half packet of seasoning, and another heaping tablespoon of minced garlic. I think I added another 1/4 to 1/2 cup of water (again slowly) to keep things from sticking. Reduced the heat then just a little and covered it, stirred once or twice again to make sure nothing stuck.
The result was a garlicy white sauced chicken dish with soft, but crispy veggies. D's dish we put over cooked ramen noodles (unseasoned) and mine we put over white rice and had a side of chow mein noodles on both plates.
It was quite yummy. His was a tad spicy, but I've become quite fond of hot food. Neither of us did any kind of definite measurements on anything, mainly just eyeballed what looked like a good amount of the various spices and whatnot. Adding the water, I used a 1/4 size measuring cup just because it was the handiest one.
I'm glad we've learned how to make decent chinese food since we're really lacking in good eatery places around here...not to mention we made it for probably $3.00 a person at most. Don't know anywhere you could get a big meal for that kind of money.
For mine, you get a little more info. since...well...I made it. hehe
I sauteed up some thinly sliced onion, green pepper, and short carrot sticks with a little olive oil, soy sauce, oyster sauce, around two heaping tablespoons of minced garlic, and half a packet of beef and broccoli seasoning. I had to add close to a half cup of water (slowly) to thin things out a bit and just let it cook at med.-high heat for five minutes or so, then added the chicken, the other half packet of seasoning, and another heaping tablespoon of minced garlic. I think I added another 1/4 to 1/2 cup of water (again slowly) to keep things from sticking. Reduced the heat then just a little and covered it, stirred once or twice again to make sure nothing stuck.
The result was a garlicy white sauced chicken dish with soft, but crispy veggies. D's dish we put over cooked ramen noodles (unseasoned) and mine we put over white rice and had a side of chow mein noodles on both plates.
It was quite yummy. His was a tad spicy, but I've become quite fond of hot food. Neither of us did any kind of definite measurements on anything, mainly just eyeballed what looked like a good amount of the various spices and whatnot. Adding the water, I used a 1/4 size measuring cup just because it was the handiest one.
I'm glad we've learned how to make decent chinese food since we're really lacking in good eatery places around here...not to mention we made it for probably $3.00 a person at most. Don't know anywhere you could get a big meal for that kind of money.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Yummy chili
Just got done eating some awesome white chicken chili D and I made. I got the recipe from a Betty Crocker email and it looked so good we decided to try it. We had pretty much everything and it was great since we had recently gotten about 20lbs of chicken on sale. It's an easy crockpot recipe and oh so tasty and filling.
1 1/4 lbs. boneless chicken breast (we used close to 2 lbs.)
1 (4.5 oz.) can green chilies
2 (15.8 oz.) cans great northern beans (it says rinsed and drained, but we just dumped them in)
1 (15.5 oz.) can white hominy
1 package taco seasoning
1 (10 3/4 oz.) can cream of mushroom soup (we used chicken & mushroom)
Put the chicken in the bottom of the crockpot (uncooked), dump everything else in and set the crockpot on low for 8-10 hours. You can garnish it with green onion and sour cream if you wish, which we did and it definitely added to the flavor. We also can't really ever eat chili without crackers and so we also topped what was in our bowls with oyster crackers.
We started it at around 1:30am this morning and shut the crockpot off at about 11:45 or so. It's the first time we've tried chicken chili, much less white chili, but it was oh so delish. We both had a bowl and wanted a second, but were way too full to get more. Still, I think we're planning on having it again for dinner.
While it probably won't replace our normal tomato based, habenero and ground beef spicy burn your gut chili, it's earned its place as a regular recipe for us.
1 1/4 lbs. boneless chicken breast (we used close to 2 lbs.)
1 (4.5 oz.) can green chilies
2 (15.8 oz.) cans great northern beans (it says rinsed and drained, but we just dumped them in)
1 (15.5 oz.) can white hominy
1 package taco seasoning
1 (10 3/4 oz.) can cream of mushroom soup (we used chicken & mushroom)
Put the chicken in the bottom of the crockpot (uncooked), dump everything else in and set the crockpot on low for 8-10 hours. You can garnish it with green onion and sour cream if you wish, which we did and it definitely added to the flavor. We also can't really ever eat chili without crackers and so we also topped what was in our bowls with oyster crackers.
We started it at around 1:30am this morning and shut the crockpot off at about 11:45 or so. It's the first time we've tried chicken chili, much less white chili, but it was oh so delish. We both had a bowl and wanted a second, but were way too full to get more. Still, I think we're planning on having it again for dinner.
While it probably won't replace our normal tomato based, habenero and ground beef spicy burn your gut chili, it's earned its place as a regular recipe for us.
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
I've spent the last couple of days finishing up watching season 2 of Man v. Food on Netflix. It's a show on the Travel Channel where this guy named Adam Richman travels around to different states and goes to three different restaurants (the first two he just tries different dishes they're popular for and the third he does a food challenge). A lot of the food he shows looks REALLY good. In fact, yesterday I watched one where he went to a mexican restaurant and it prompted D and I to make some killer tacos and enchiladas. :-D
Two of the food challenges I'd definitely like to try was one where he was at Tony Luke's in Philly where he had to eat a 5lb. cheese steak sandwich in one hour or less. They'd probably have to wheel me out on a gurney afterwards, but I think I might could possibly maybe do it. The other was called the B3 challenge (Big Badass Burrito). I want to say it was like a 2ft long 7lb burrito. I don't know if I'd be able to do it, but I'd definitely put a hurtin' on it. hehe
In other news, they're calling for possibly accumulating snow here over the next couple of days. It's been in the low to mid 30s since the weekend and, while it feels quite warm out today, that's usually a good sign we're about to get a storm of some sort and it hasn't actually gotten above freezing today.
We've got the wood burning stove going downstairs so if we do lose power, D said we'll just move ourselves down there for a bit if it gets too cold.
Well, off to reheat some pizza for lunch.
Two of the food challenges I'd definitely like to try was one where he was at Tony Luke's in Philly where he had to eat a 5lb. cheese steak sandwich in one hour or less. They'd probably have to wheel me out on a gurney afterwards, but I think I might could possibly maybe do it. The other was called the B3 challenge (Big Badass Burrito). I want to say it was like a 2ft long 7lb burrito. I don't know if I'd be able to do it, but I'd definitely put a hurtin' on it. hehe
In other news, they're calling for possibly accumulating snow here over the next couple of days. It's been in the low to mid 30s since the weekend and, while it feels quite warm out today, that's usually a good sign we're about to get a storm of some sort and it hasn't actually gotten above freezing today.
We've got the wood burning stove going downstairs so if we do lose power, D said we'll just move ourselves down there for a bit if it gets too cold.
Well, off to reheat some pizza for lunch.
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