Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Why in the hell am I still awake?!? Sometimes I really despise insomnia. That's all it started out as, but by 3:30 in the freakin' a.m. I wasn't about to try and go to sleep only to get up at 6:15 to get my brother off to school. Yeah, I could've gotten maybe three hours of sleep, but at 3:30 I wasn't even close to tired yet. Now? I'm f'in exhausted. Physically I am anyway. My eyes feel like I scrubbed 'em with sandpaper and my body aches. God I hope I'm not getting sick!

On a side note, kinda, the reason I'm getting my brother up in the first place is cuz my mom has been sick. She's had a fever of between 100 and 103 since early Tuesday morning. Don't misiterpret, I don't resent that she's sick. It's just the reason I'm staying up to get my brother up, why I hope I don't get sick, too, and why I didn't enjoy this bout of insomnia as much as I would've if she'd been sleeping in her room instead of on the couch.

Oh well. Whatever. I got some reading done on Nietzsche (no I'm not smart) and some long overdue emails sent out.

Maybe I'll try to sleep a couple hours after I get the little nose-miner off to school.

*Screams incoherently then slinks away into the darkest corner of the room*

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