Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Four posts in one day

That's what I get for staying up so late.

After some very introspective thinking I've decided that some things need to change. I have a very bad tendency, though, to look at all the things I need to change and try to change them at once, but I never get anywhere because I get so overwhelmed and it all seems impossible. So, upon the very good advice of an aquaintance (dare I say friend?) of mine, I'm going to make a concerted effort to only work on one thing at a time (sort of). I say sort of because I recently started working out again. I'm doing weight lifting, which I've always loved, but I'm also doing some exercise videos. Yeah, yeah laugh. Those of you that know me will probably still be snickering at the thought of me doing an organized work-out video, know what? You can bite me cuz I walked 2 miles this morning without having to leave the warmth of my own livingroom. So there. Thbbbtt

But, in addition to that, the "one thing" I'm going to focus on is getting a job again. I've applied at various places around here, but so far nada. But, instead of letting myself get discouraged, I'm gonna keep trying. I'll just have to broaden the scope of what I'm willing to do, excluding fast food...and Dairy Queen. If you ask why not Dairy Queen, then you need more help than I do.

I've learned something about myself. Well, actually I've learned quite a few things, but the one I'm talking about is that I have quite a bit of patience when it comes to others (except when they're acting with extreme stupidity and a lack of common sense), but that I'm really, really hard on myself and have no patience whatsoever with my own shortcomings. That needs to change. If it doesn't, well, that's not gonna be an option. It needs to change so it's gonna.

More wise advice from the Sage I spoke of earlier is that I need to accept the situation I'm in. I need to decide to decide where I want to be a work towards it; one thing at a time.

I made a comment that I needed to find someone to keep me in line, but then I thought about it and, as he sent the message (yahoo im) that I need to be that person, I sent a message saying that I can't expect someone else to keep me in line if I can't do that for myself first. I had to grin at that.

Now, my own spin on the accepting my situation is that, yes, I have to accept it, but I don't have to like it. I can't get complacent and give up and stay stuck where I am.

I could say a lot more, but I'm starting to dry heave with all this self-discovery mumbo jumbo. It's good, but in small doses.

I'll leave you with this, though. I think that possibly the best piece of advice was this: "progress is a good thing, but go easy on yourself, fast change usually doesn't stick as well as slow change."

Peace out

1 comment:

mrs. r said...

hey, definitely glad you're feeling better. Sounds like you got some good advice too...all around, very good. I would agree that slow change usually sinks in better and sticks longer, now if only I could master it, we'd be in business.
love you...