Thursday, March 03, 2005

It feels like the weekend

There are those rare moments when it feels like the weekend right smack dab in the middle of the week. I cherish those times. The reason being, the official weekend is still ahead. Yay! I probably feel this way cuz I went to Celebrate Recovery last night and saw quite a few people that I only see on Friday nights.

As to C.R., I hadn't expected to share anything. I was just gonna sit there and evaluate the situation, like I always do, before I open up. Doing that minimizes any potential harm from threats that may exist. You might be thinking that I'm paranoid...and maybe I am a little, but you don't get where I am without being cautious of how much people know after first meeting you. Aparently, there wasn't too much of a threat there cuz I told a lot. Not all mind you, but a lot. I think it was cuz another girl in the group shared a particulary personal struggle, one I myself have dealt with on a daily basis since about 8 years old. That, my friends, would be an affinity for sharp objects. For those who don't see what I'm getting at, it's called self-harm, self-injury, self-mutilation, blah blah blah. But, I won't go into that yet.

So, yeah, the weekend. My mom and brother just left for a weekend in Canada. They're in a performing arts group called Messengers at their church. Thus far they've only performed here in the cities; their church, Coon Rapids, and a couple other smaller churches. But this year they're going to Canada, Illinois, and Colorado, as well and a couple here. I must admit that I'm a little jealous, seeing as how I've been out of state once and never out of the country, but it's cool. I'm only 20. I'm sure I'll have my chance.

Speaking of being 20...I won't be for long. My 21st birthday is now less than a week away. Okay it's 6 days, but that's still less than a week. :) Yippeeee!!!


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