Friday, March 04, 2005

You'd think I'd learn

Well, I spent the time from about 7:00pm last night til about 3:30am this morning watching 5 horror movies, one right after the other. My parental units are out of town this week so, in keeping with his lax standards, my dad rented my sister and I some movies that my mother would die before she'd let in this apartment. You might be thinking that it's not a very good thing that I ask for things from dad that mom wouldn't allow. Maybe you're right. But, that's how it's always been.

When we were out to get the movies, we also stopped at Rainbow to get icecream. I wanted mountain dew and saw that they had 2 liters on sale 5 for $5. Now 2 liters are normally about a buck a piece anyway, but I don't care. I got two regular dews and two code reds. Yummy!

So anyway, the first movie watched was The Grudge. Pretty cool, albeit a bit confusing at first with all the jumps back in time explaining things. My sister, trying to sound smart again, said that's usually how japanese films are; they explain as they go rather than at the end. This movie was watched amid eating dominoes pizza and we had to pause it so dad could answer the door when the pizza came and a couple times so he could go get his clothes (he was doing laundry in preparation for leaving to drive a charter to Michigan for the weekend). The movie was pretty creepy, but with all the afore mentioned things it wasn't too bad. It also had a lot of really stupid moves by the characters (like actually going to investigateg the weird noises in the attic) that made it a bit hilarious.

The rest of the movies were The Saw, Fear of the Dark (not bad), Wrong Turn (gory), and 28 Days Later (saw it already, but my sister hadn't). You think I'd learn not to freak the crap outta myself by watching scary movies. I started watching horror movies at about age 3 thanks to dear old dad (yeah I remember that far back). I remember growing up scared of the dark, looking into mirrors, the basement, toys that come alive, blah blah blah. Yet, I kept watching. A lot of it was probably not wanting to appear weak around my sister by being scared, but it also might've been a bit of seeing how much I could take; seeing what they would have to come up with to make my stomach turn a bit. Not much does it anymore. The last time was watching Ghost Ship. Within the first ten minutes they killed about thirty or more people. And it was by no means instantaneous for everyone. I won't go into detail, though, for those of you with weak stomachs.

Funny side sister got scared of Jurassic Park. She woke me up in the middle of the night cuz she was convinced that there was a Delophosaurus (sp?) under her bed. Y'know the carnivore that spits that venom stuff that blinds and paralyzes you. She then thought she saw a shadow move in the hall and had me shine a light out there.

So anyway, apparently I haven't had enough of checking over my shoulder and dozing off with the lights on only to be jolted awake at the very slightest sound. I mean it's bad enough dealing with natural paranoia without adding to it by watching all these horror movies. Maybe one day I'll learn. Maybe.


p.s I haven't been to sleep yet since about 6am yesterday morning.

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