Thursday, December 13, 2007

Well apparently some people think that when I don't blog for two months I might've met with a tragically horrific and very untimely death. Obviously not the case people. *grins*

My time has been pretty occupied as of late. I'm getting about 20 hours a week now at work and doing a little bit of training/helping new cashiers here and there. But y'know what I don't get? Okay so they had to cut all the part-time people down to practically nothing for a few weeks because they over-hired and couldn't cover it in the budget. Now that we're getting busier again and starting to get our hours back...they hire even MORE people. That's crap to me right there.

Anyway, D and I are still in process of remodeling the downstairs. We've had a couple setbacks recently so it got put on hold. But...we've gotten the bathroom completely painted and all that's left in there is to drill a hole in the bottom of the vanity cabinet to fit over the piping and voila...finished! Well, almost but not quite. We still need to do almost everything in the main room, but we've gotten all the crap out of there and gotten our dining table and oven in. I'm sooooo looking forward to being able to cook and...*gasp*...bake again.

Well, that's about it. As little as is going on, it still doesn't seem like I have enough time in the day.

Oh, and Christmas is only 12 days away.........but that's another post that I may or may not make in the next two months. :-p


MasterQ said...

Thank you. :)

Dennis said...

Well Hello!!!
Welcome to corporate com\nfusion....