Monday, March 13, 2006

It's getting closer

It feels like time is going super slow. I guess that's what happens when you're really looking forward to something. I just realized it's still a month off, but starting April 14 I get the WHOLE apartment to myself for five days. YAY!!!

Of course I'm going to be a tad responsible and use the time to get some cleaning and some design stuff done, but for the most part I'm planning on not behaving myself. ;o) I'm not gonna go into detail cuz I don't want people feeling like they need to babysit me. I'm an adult for cryin' out loud! Honestly, I told one person a little tiny part of what I was gonna do and they asked if they needed to come over and "babysit" me. Sheesh.

Anyways, it's gonna be so much fun! Like going on vacation without leaving the comforts of home.

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