Last night I thought I was dying. Seriously.
D and I were playing World of Warcraft when all of a sudden it felt like the room raised 20 degrees. My face flushed and I broke out in a sweat and then my vision got all blurry. I was having trouble breathing and my stomach hurt really bad. I swear, I felt like I was dying.
What happened after I had to rely on D to tell me. I do remember pushing away from the computer desk, but then he said that I leaned back in the chair, my eyes rolled up in my head, and I started gasping for breath. My head went to my chest and he had to physically pry my chin up so he could look at me. He said my name a few times and then yelled it a couple times.
The next thing I remember was hearing him yell my name and my vision started clearing a little, but I still couldn't focus. I was soaked in sweat and was really shaky. D told me not to get up, but instead wheeled me (computer chair and all) over to the bed to lay down. He even had to help me stand up because I was so weak.
I was fine within a couple minutes of laying down with the airconditioner a few feet from me. We decided not to go to the E.R. right then since I was feeling better, but to go to the doctor in the morning.
I was still feeling a bit sick this morning, but went to work anyway. I was only there for about a half hour before I started feeling a little lightheaded again and my stomach was hurting. D showed up at work about an hour later because he wanted to check on me since he was still worried (ain't he sweet?) and we decided to see if I could leave early so we could get to a doctor. Unfortunately, all the walk-in clinics and a couple others were either closed or booked up for the day. We ended up at the E.R. around 10:30.
They did an ECG and put me on a heart monitor, but it was all relatively normal. I talked to the doctor for a bit and he came to the conclusion that I have a mild case of GERD (Gastroesophogeal Reflux Disease) which is being caused by an overproduction of stomach acid. The stomach pain in turn made my blood pressure drop, which caused me to pass out. This explains the fact that I've had mild stomach pain and nausea almost every day for the past couple months.
He gave me a prescription for Zantac so hopefully this'll clear up soon and I'll be back to normal. normal as I am anyway. *winks*
Never, EVER do I want what happened last night to happen again. It's so not fun.