Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Oy, does my shoulder ever hurt. I realized it this morning when I merely picked up my coffee cup and felt an ache in the muscle where my shoulder joins my torso. I told D and he said something along the lines of, "Yup, it's from the shotgun yesterday." I asked if he felt anything, but he didn't since he only shot twice and I shot 7 times. I emptied it of the six cheap shells we got and he only did one of those and another of the 8 shot.

In addition to the six I did I also shot one of the 12 shot shells which is somewhat more powerful than the 8.

I just wish we could shoot more often. The only other time we've done it was back within a couple months of when I moved here. That was all kinds of fun. of D's brothers asked if I really had never shot a gun before because I did really well. He gave his son J, D, and me nicknames of famous gun slingers. :-) It was cool.
Anyway, I think, whenever I'm able to get a carry permit, I'll want to get a regular pistol like D's and also a .357 revolver like the one M has. I really liked it.

So, sufficed to shoulder aches today and I still have little spots where the blood vessels were broken. But I had fun and it's well worth the little bit of pain. :-)

Unfortunately, I think that, along with all the riding in the car yesterday torqued my back a little bit. I've been going to a chiropractor for the last month and have been having better and worse days the last week, but was in so much pain this morning that I could barely function other than to put Biofreeze (similar to Icy Hot) on my back and cry for the first hour or so that I was awake. But, I'm feeling much better now.\

WARNING: Sappy love stuff a' comin'

I can't believe some days how lucky I am that D and I found each other. I got a lot of grief from some people before I moved, but in thinking about it...I mean, how can it be coincidence? Out of the millions of people on the internet, D and I found each other. We click so well. His patience with me is overwhelming at times to where I've even asked him how he puts up with me. His answer to that is always, "I don't put up with you...I love you."

He's just such a fantastic man and I can't believe how lucky I've been. I never thought in a million years that I'd be this happy. He's the best thing that could ever have happened to me.

I used to be so buried in my own self issues that I couldn't see anything good in my life...or if I could it was so outweighed by the bad (or perceived bad). But now...I'm the happiest I've ever been.

The only thing that would make my life absolutely perfect is if I could see my family on a regular basis.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Guns 'n' stuff

D and I just got done shooting his 12 guage police tactical shotgun at some pizza boxes. Boy does that thing pack a punch. We were planning on doing it Memorial Day and bought some cheapo shells for it, but didn't get around to actually shooting it.

So anyway, I shot three of the cheap shells (mostly used for squirrel and rabbit shooting) and by the end I could tell my left ear was starting to go a bit numb. I had popped quite a few little holes in the box, but when he shot one he totally demolished mass.

After that I shot one of the 00 Buck Shot that we normally keep in the gun. It was quite a bit more powerful and I ripped a fairly good size hole in the top of the box I was shooting at. Heh, after I shot, I felt a little numb spot on my shoulder where the butt of the gun had been. I looked at it a little later and there were a few tiny blood vessels that had been burst just under the skin.

Anyway, D shot one of those, too and, again, straight center of the box. It was wild to see the little tiny holes in the front of the box and the finger-sized rips where the shot came out the back.

But, cool thing is, I feel a lot more comfortably with my ability to handle the shotgun now. :-)