Tuesday, March 29, 2005

My weekend

Okay, so this past weekend was, without a doubt, the weirdest in a while. My mother and brother went to Illinois Thursday through Sunday with their church's performing arts group and my sister went to her friend's house from Friday to Sunday. So, it was just my dad and I for most of the weekend. I'll explain the 'most' part in a second.

So, friday afternoon my dad decides to go to Taco Bell for dinner with a quick stop at the liquor store and grocery store. So Friday night is spent eating burritos, watching movies, and drinking screwdrivers and whiskey sours (that my dad made for me). He went to bed at about 11:30, but for some reason I was way too paranoid to sleep.

But I digress. Every time I'd doze off, some tiny little sound would jerk me awake in a panic. I ended up playing on the computer til about 5am after which I decided to become ten years old again and I fell asleep, exhausted, with the covers pulled over my head.

Saturday was pretty uneventful. I talked to a few friends on the phone for a while, but that was about it.

So, Sunday. I wake up at 8am even though I set my alarm to not wake me up until 9. I get up anyway, though. Another friend of mine had invited me to spend Easter with her family and she was planning to pick me up at 10:30. Now, she actually warned me in advance that she'd be late, cuz she "always is". But, she didn't end up leaving her home to come get me until 11:15 roughly. Yeah....okay....I can deal with that.

So anyway, we have a veritable feast at her parent's place. Turkey, homemade buttermilk biscuits, homemade cherry and apricot jam, honey (not store bought), homemade gravy, homemade mashed potatoes, homemade cranberry sauce, and for dessert, homemade chocolate cheesecake. I mean sheesh! I haven't eaten that good or that much in a LONG time. I told everyone that I was gonna move in there if they'd promise to keep feeding me like that. They had also invited another family over. It was the mom, the dad, a teenage daughter, and then little twin girls (I'd say about 9 years old or so).

After lunch we all watched a movie and then I, my friend, and her little 11 year old sister (completely adorable) went out for a walk. They showed me around the farm and such. They grow tomatoes, raspberries, strawberries, grapes (for wine), have cherry trees, have chickens... I mean WOW! They also get their maple syrup from another farm near there. It was pretty cool.

While my friend's dad changed her oil, me and her little sister shot some hoops and then we went in and watched Shark Tale. I've seen it about ten times, but it never gets old and it's always fun to watch movies with other people.

We left there at around 7:30 I think and, on the way home, got invited to another person's house to watch The Incredibles with him and his roommate. It was so much fun.

So, all in all Sunday was my best day. I left at around 11:45 that morning and didn't get back home until 2:00am Monday morning. Yay!!


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