Tuesday, April 17, 2007

of possums and things

Last night, as D and I were about to drift off to sleep, we heard a distinct thump and the whole building shook. Needless to say I let him go check it out and was ready to grab the pistol if need be.

D came back in saying that our puppy had caught and killed a possum. Normally I'd be all for going to look at it, but I was all ready for bed, sleepy tired (since I only got about 2.5 hours of sleep the other night), and we'd seen another one (alive) fairly up close as we drove by it on the road yesterday afternoon.

So...D decided he was gonna get rid of it with a couple plastic bags. The puppy also broke her collar (the thump we heard) and she had been leashed off to the deck (why the whole building shook when she lunged after the thing). She couldn't get to the possum after we rehooked her lead to the deck so, since D remembered the phrase "playing possum" he decided it best to let it alone just in case it wasn't really dead. After all, those things are wicked mean.

It was gone this morning when he went out so it was either taken off by another dog or it wasn't really dead and he was uber smart for not messing with it.

Monday, April 16, 2007


D and I watched the movie Deliverance the other night.

It was disturbing.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

hate, hate, hate being sick

As you can see from the subject line, I hate being sick. D started feeling a bit better today. He's still congested and coughing here and there, but I'm pretty sure his fever is gone and he actually plans on going out and doing some field work today. Wish I could say the same for me...

I started getting a bit obsessive yesterday about what my temperature was doing. I figured if I didn't get a fever then I'd be alright to possibly go to work with the aid of cold medicine. So I took my temp around six in the morning and it was 98.8 so not too bad. Checked it a couple hours later and it was 99.4...still not too bad. Then, 'bout mid-afternoon I checked again and it was up to 100.4. Ugh. It stayed there most of the day, but in taking my temp before bed I found out it was 102.1.

With all the weird waking up at 4am we've been doing I ended up falling asleep last night during House M.D. and the two hour episode of The Shield. But of course, when it was over and actually time to go to sleep (around midnight) I couldn't fall asleep. I dozed off and on for a couple hours, but have been wide awake since 2am.

So...needless to say I'll be calling in sick to work today.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The germs are alive...and they hate us right now

Day before yesterday we got up at around 4:00am and, during the day, D started feeling not so good. At first we thought it was just a sinus/allergy thing due to all the pollen in the air, but he was still miserable. Then, yesterday, we both woke up at about 4:30am for some reason or other and by mid-morning D was running a fever.

He slept most of the day while I played Warcraft and I felt bad that he was sick and I was just fine. I knew I probably wouldn't stay that way, what with the really close quarters we're living in, but I was hopin'.

Starting towards last night, my throat started getting scratchy feeling and I started coughing a bit more. I don't remember what time we fell asleep, but I woke up at 2:30am with full-blown congestion and pain from (it feels like) the back of my nose to the bottom of my throat; jumping into my lungs whenever I have to cough.

Unfortunately, this is my last day off before I go back to work for another week. Hopefully I can really kick this thing today cuz otherwise it'll be a call in sick for me. Now, I can understand that some people don't think a cold is something to call in sick for, but being that it's also somewhat in my lungs and I work really closely with tons of people all day...might not be a good idea exposing them all to my infectiousness.

I'm gonna go hack up a lung now.